Cornerstone Components - Threads


Source Description A demonstration component implementation demonstrates the resolution of a ThreadManager and subsequent access to a ThreadPoll against which a Runnable object is launched. Termination of the container before this time will trigger disposal of the component causing the interruption of the subsidiary thread. The runnable object that simply initiates a countdown and will normally complete and terminate within 10 seconds. Used by the ThreadConsumer component to establish a threaded activity.
block.xml Merlin deployment directive.
<container name="thread-tutorial">

         <resource id="avalon-framework:avalon-framework-api" version="4.2.0"/>
         <resource id="excalibur-pool:excalibur-pool-api" version="2.0.0"/>
         <resource id="excalibur-thread:excalibur-thread-api" version="2.0.0"/>
         <resource id="cornerstone-threads:cornerstone-threads-api" version="2.0.0"/>
         <resource id="cornerstone-threads:cornerstone-threads-tutorial" version="2.0.0"/>

   <include name="threads" 

   <component name="test" 
      class="org.apache.avalon.cornerstone.threads.tutorial.ThreadConsumer" />



To execute this demonstration please make sure that you copy the cornerstone-threads-* jar files from your Maven repository to you Merlin repository.

$ cd avalon-cornerstone\threads\tutorial
$ merlin target\cornerstone-threads-tutorial-1.0.jar

[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test): aquiring cornerstone threads service
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test): initialization
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test.counter): count: 10
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test.counter): count: 9
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test.counter): count: 8
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test.counter): count: 7

Interrupting the container (using ^C) will trigger component disposal which in turn will trigger early termination of the thread established using the cornerstone thread manager.

[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test): disposal
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test): disposal invoked while child thread active
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test.counter): I've been interrupted.
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test.counter): Time to die.
[INFO   ] (thread-tutorial.test): disposal complete